Addressing Certain Advantages and Misconceptions About Residential Metal Roofing in Appleton

by | Dec 31, 2018 | Roofing

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Homeowners become intrigued about the possibility of metal roofing in Appleton because they hear about various advantages associated with this home improvement project. However, they may hesitate to spend the extra money on metal as compared with asphalt shingles. They may have some misconceptions about metal roofs regarding appearance, noise and safety factors.

Not a Lightning Attractant

Some men and women worry that metal roofing in Appleton attracts lightning because they know that lightning rods are made of metal. In reality, lightning rods are designed simply to stand taller than any other object in the vicinity because that’s what lightning is attracted to. This is why lightning so often hits trees. In the unlikely event that this electrical force hits the roof, metal protects the structure from starting on fire, which is not the case with asphalt shingles./media/link/123rf images/2016/Repair/roof/18957585_xxl.jpgSome men and women worry that metal roofing in Appleton attracts lightning because they know that lightning rods are made of metal. In reality, lightning rods are designed simply to stand taller than any other object in the vicinity because that’s what lightning is attracted to. This is why lightning so often hits trees. In the unlikely event that this electrical force hits the roof, metal protects the structure from starting on fire, which is not the case with asphalt shingles.

Not Noisy

Some men and women have been in a building with a metal roof and noticed how noisy rain could be when hitting the structure. This can be common in barns and other outbuildings, but residential metal roofing includes insulating material to block noise. If the metal is installed directly over the existing shingles, that reduces the sound even more.

Easy Snow Removal

With a metal roof, snow removal is no longer a problem. That’s a big plus in a climate like that of the Appleton area. Snow simply slides off the metal. With asphalt shingles, homeowners are left to tackle snow removal from the roof with a snow rake, walking around the house and repeatedly slinging the rake onto the roof from a telescopic pole. The other option is to climb onto the roof with a ladder and shovel snow off.

Concluding Thoughts

Asphalt shingles may never become obsolete because they are significantly more affordable for installation. Not every homeowner has the money for a metal roof even though they realize the material will last a very long time. Metal is increasingly popular for roofing in the residential setting, however, because of its distinct advantages. Property owners who would like to get a quote from a contractor such as Motto & Sons Construction may contact us at the earliest convenience.

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